Sunday 9 September 2018

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Contractium Ico Review- Introduction Of Contractium.....

Contractium is a software which relies on Ethereum smart contract.
This enables its users to create smart contracts using their mobiles, desktops etc.
With the introduction of Contractium, the users can easily find an alternative to the usual print contracts
which need the signatures of all the parties involved in the contract. Contractium provides a
payment gateway in the countries which deal in cryptocurrency, and in case of countries
which do not accept cryptocurrency, it has a system of online rewards. The company feels
like as the world around our ears is innovating day by day, we all need to innovate, and
question the working efficiency of every little thing, to make sure that our work is being
done in an optimal way. Contractium plans on becoming the leader in the Ethereum network.
To approach businesses worldwide, Contractium has developed a website. This article is about
the review of the website.
Design review:
The design of the website is quite attractive, and unique.
The color scheme blue and white. It starts with a display of the company’s mission,
and any additional information on top (such as ongoing sales), right along the options such
as buying, “Log in”, and “Register”.  Scroll down, and you will find the reviews of the
services offered by Contractium. This is a brilliant tactic to make the users aware
of how well the company performs. Further below is the explanation of the company,
how it works, what it does, and so on. The design as a whole is quite innovative, and
unique. This is enough to set a good first impression on anyone visiting the website.


Operations review
The website works perfectly well. The transition from one page to another,
is also quite smooth. The on-page functions work smoothly as well. The animations,
and pop-up messages are quite effective as well.
The content of the website is product-based, and effectively delivers the message
of the company, and what it offers. The tone of writing, however, at certain point
lacks market orientation. The areas where the customers are targeted are hard to
find. Other than that, the content, as well as the subtext throughout the pages is
excellent. The unique way of how the graphs, and the pop-up messages are displayed
is quite attractive, as very few websites go out of their way to provide such an interactive
experience for its users.
The website is developed is a brilliant way. It lacks some small marketing factors,
but they are not as significant as the additional positive aspects of the website.
The uniqueness of the website is the most prominent factor. The website also effectively
conveys to the visitors, how important the work of Contractium is, and also how well it
performs it by providing on-screen evidences in forms of reviews by some famous sources.
The website, however, takes a lot of space. This might be de-motivating for some users
who are impatient. Its efficiency can be increased if it conveys the same amount of
information in a lesser space.

Useful Links:
Bitcointalk Thread Link::

Author's Detail::
Bitcointalk Profile::  checkmatesir
Eth Address::   0xB148eeF6fc7c82Ff27a2a945acca38aEFD930820
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Thursday 23 August 2018

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How the latest news on cryptocurrency market is boon for investors?

In 2017 cryptocurrencies have performed so well and this technology is constantly expanding in 2018 also & is attracting new investors. However, most of the beginners face many troubles when they are searching for the next cryptocurrency to invest. Fret not! You are not alone. We understand how confusing the situation is and to resolve that try to keep up-to-date with the latest news on cryptocurrencymarket every day. Here, you can easily get the answer to all your questions such as whether “Should I be investing in Bitcoin?” Or “Should I be investing in Ethereum?”.

Today, the marketplace is filled with many cryptocurrencies as almost every business is launching new cryptocurrency every day and offering the Initial Coin Offering (ICO) projects to the investors. So, choosing the right project is a hard nut to crack especially for beginners. Therefore, it is extremely important for them to have an ICO alert so that they do not find any difficulty to know about the ICO project. By getting the ICO alert, you can also be a part of some trending discussions such as “ICO Investment Guide” or any other latest news on cryptocurrency market.

By using ICO alert and following the ICO investment guide, the investors can get the complete information about both the existing and upcoming ICO projects and with the help of ICO reviews, they can determine that whether this investment is worth to him/her or not. Today, in this blog, we are going to discuss that how to keep yourself up-to-date about cryptocurrency is beneficial for you.

l  Concept
With the help of the latest buzz in cryptocurrency, you can easily find out the potential of your coveted business in the current market in terms of its size and wealth.  Apart from that, you can even get some information about the competitors and whether your ICO project is capable enough to steal some of the market shares.

l  Team
We are very well aware of the fact that the marketplace is filled with both reliable and fraud companies who are dealing with the ICO Projects. So, if you have an in-depth knowledge of the team, which actually exist, then nobody can mislead you into having a star team. Most of ICO websites will have a team page in their LinkedIn profile from where you can get all information about them such as their experience, proficiency, skills, etc.

l  Whitepapers
To check the reliability of the ICO project, you can check its whitepaper. The whitepaper is a standard of every ICO, which consists the detail information of the document such as:
Ø  Summary and overview of the project.
Ø  Complete market research.
Ø  Analysis report.
Ø  The team behind the project.
Ø  Complete product details.
Ø  Legal aspects of the tokens
Ø   Marketing strategy.
Ø  Competitive landscape and market size.

l  What is the need for creating a token? 
If you know what is going on the cryptocurrency market then you can easily give the answer to this question. This is an important question that every project needs to answer that what is your purpose behind to create a token? Why is not Ethereum or Bitcoin enough to serve as the project’s token? So, instead of creating any story you can give them a solid reason that what is the need for creating a token.

l  Keep you aware of country laws
The latest news on cryptocurrency market or ICO alert keeps you up-to-date about the different country laws in cryptocurrency market. Nowadays, government and regulators worldwide are now exploring ways to control the cryptocurrency market. So, before investing in any country, it is recommended to check their laws to prevent trading or avoid any harm to your investment.

l  Set your goals before investment
Thinking that investment in cryptocurrency can make you rich in the future, but by learning the current marketing trends, you can stick to manageable goals. Whenever you reach your targeted investment try to withdraw it.

You can subscribe to ICO Fan to get the latest news on cryptocurrency market or the ICO alert. This is an amazing platform which keeps you updated with the latest news on the blockchain, cryptocurrencies, ICO reviews, or ICO investment guide. 
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Sunday 12 August 2018

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ICO alert: Important points to consider for an ICO investment

An ICO (Initial Coin Offering) is a fundraising method, where new projects sell their crypto tokens in exchange for Bitcoin or Ethereum. The funds raised through an ICO are used by businesses to cater their needs. 

If you are looking to invest in an ICO project, it is important to know your options in the first place. An ICO alert can help you stay informed about existing and upcoming Initial Coin Offerings from across the globe. For the beginners, ICO investment guide can be useful to make the right investment decision. However, we also bring to you a list of a few important points worth considering prior to investing in an ICO project.

Team composition
Find out all that you can about the team, especially the advisory board and the development team. Google the names of the team members and check their LinkedIn profiles. Find out the popular names among the advisory board. See if the team has relevant crypto experience and which projects they were involved in. If it is a genuine ICO project, you are more likely to get some updates through the latest ICO alert.

Stage of the project
Assess the stage of the project. Find out if the project only has a whitepaper or if they have the Beta version ready, or if the project is launched with limited functionality. ICO investment guide says it is better to choose projects that have some lines of working code, however, many ICO projects have turned out to be successful without any code written.
Venture Capitals invest in projects from the very beginning. Find this information on the website’s homepage. You can consider investing in an ICO project if a renowned VC is involved in the project.

Why is the token required?
ICO means that a new dedicated token is created for the project. An important question that every project needs to answer is for what purpose is the token being created? Why cannot Bitcoin or Ethereum serve as the project’s token?

Token distribution
If a startup distributes more than 50% of its tokens, then there is something suspicious. A good project will stick to the roadmap that it has built because a certain amount of funding is required for each phase of the project.
Watch for a project’s token distribution stage. While you can get information about the number of tokens that a company will release on their website or whitepaper, the latest ICO alert can also update you on the same.

ICO will become a more preferred method of raising funds. There will be a plethora of projects to choose from, thus it becomes really important to evaluate these projects before investing.

You can subscribe for the latest ICO alert to stay informed about ICO projects, and also make sure to stay informed about the latest news on cryptocurrency market or the latest blockchain news so that you have adequate knowledge about the crypto world and you can make more informed investment decisions. 
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Friday 3 August 2018

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Buglab Ico Review-Center Features of the Buglab Platform - ICO Alert


Buglab uses the intensity of the Ethereum blockchain to empower achievable, adaptable, and dependable entrance testing for advanced undertaking arrangements. The stage joins associations that have data security needs with a network of guaranteed cybersecurity infiltration analyzers in a boosted domain. At the focal point of buglab's biological system, there are two projects - the Buglab Contest and Vigilante Protocol, helping organizations everywhere throughout the world to find and fix vulnerabilities.

Utilizing the intensity of Ethereum to empower cybersecurity:

Buglab is an Ethereum-based stage that associates organizations with a worldwide system of master cybersecurity researchers. At the focal point of our biological system, there are two projects - the buglab challenge and Vigilante Protocol, helping organizations everywhere throughout the world to find and fix vulnerabilities on their advanced arrangements or resources.
Buglab is an Ethereum-based stage that interfaces organizations with a worldwide system of master cybersecurity analysts.
At the focal point of our biological community, there are two projects - the buglab challenge and Vigilante Protocol, helping organizations everywhere throughout the world to find and fix vulnerabilities on their computerized arrangements or resources.
Buglab joins customers with a worldwide system of ensured cybersecurity entrance analyzers in a boosted domain. The analyzers are remunerated in light of their aggregate disclosures in time-restrict rivalries.
With this, buglab gives a road to whitehats to share their own particular powerlessness disclosures. We at that point work with CERTs everywhere throughout the world to confirm those disclosures and advise organizations in danger.


Little and medium organizations, from everywhere throughout the world searching for a more feasible and successful method for ensuring their computerized resources.


PC Security Incident Response Teams will have the capacity to cooperate with buglab on building a manageable powerlessness aversion framework to encourage organizations.

Pentesters and Whitehats:

Buglab's stage is worked for a worldwide system of master security scientists searching for a confided in approach to help organizations worldwide and be adjusted.

Center Features of the Buglab Platform:

The Buglab stage empowers clients to either utilize the mass of pentesters or pick an approved group from a known organization. Groups must incorporate no less than five pentesters. An assortment of customizations are accessible, particular to your hierarchical needs. A portion of the highlights imagined are featured straightaway.

Open Contest:

Once an organization has given essential data and propelled the challenge, the network gets an open welcome to partake.

Private Contest:

Customers additionally have the choice to pick a select number of pentesters from the network or pick an approved group from a known cybersecurity firm to finish the test.

Choice Filters:

Customers have the alternative amid a private test of choosing pentesters utilizing diverse channels. These incorporate nation, score, range of abilities, and so forth.

Triage System:

Vulnerabilities detailed experience our arranging framework to recognize copies before arriving on the client's dashboard. The client is ensured to just get advised about applicable entries.

At the focal point of our biological community, there are two projects - the buglab challenge and Vigilante Protocol, helping organizations everywhere throughout the world to find and fix vulnerabilities on their computerized arrangements or resources.

Useful Link:

ANN Thread:

Author's Detail:

Bitcointalk Profile:  checkmatesir
Eth Address:   0xB148eeF6fc7c82Ff27a2a945acca38aEFD930820

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Cryptosouk Ico Review-Best of Line Trading UI - Latest ICO Alert



About CryptoSouk:

We trust that there is a one of a kind chance to center a unified digital money trade around the Middle East and the Arabic dialect. We likewise trust that bringing long haul outside trade activities, exchanging, and showcase making knowledge whether required to make further liquidity and comprehend the matter of trades - a place where numerous new participants don't have skill. In the Middle East, there are both bigger dealers and financial specialists that expect a larger amount of client benefit and are not keen on the better subtle elements of private key care. They rather need to collaborate with exchanging stages that have the security skill, are nearby to the district, and talk their dialect so they can take part in this blossoming financial marvel and not the specialized details. We have united a group that incorporates both worldwide and territorial forex exchanging knowledge and technologists and security specialists that can convey on the extraordinary Arabic dialect opportunity. We are putting forth a propelled stage in the locale that offers exchanging Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, Dash, Zcash and Monero at first. We foresee that our endeavors to advance this coin offering will likewise enable us to get new clients for the trade too.

Best of Line Trading UI:

CryptoSouk is a chief exchanging and monetary innovation organization. We've constructed the best computerized resource trade by concentrating on the necessities of expert brokers and advanced cash specialists. We are committed to making advanced money exchanging available, quick and absolutely secure.

Request Book:

Our ground-breaking live request book refreshes continuously and shows purchase and offer requests with live spread figuring so you can simply secure in the most minimal spreads and get the best arrangement. Our request framework additionally consequently computes expenses and incorporates them in the request value so you generally realize that what you see is the thing that you'll pay. For bigger requests, we offer the capacity to report square exchanges to ensure that the market won't move against you before your request gets filled. Accessible request composes for both general and square exchanges incorporate market, point of confinement, stop, and six others.


Exchange Tracking:

To enable you to track your exchanges and specialized history, our stage incorporates the coordinated capacity to spare the present outline view to jpeg. We additionally offer a custom territory estimation apparatus to discover span, rate change and value change soyou don't need to do it by hand. At last, we offer clients the capacity to produce various custom reports including exchange action, exchange movement and treasury action and spare these reports as CSVs to encourage return following. The trade stage has been developed starting from the earliest stage senior coders and cryptographic money specialists to stress excess, precision, and speed. Our stage is based on an exclusively implanted StreamDB database and fuses blunder checking and focuses on different volumes. We likewise recreate and reinforcement all trade information progressively so your exchanges and client information are constantly secure.


The organization intends to keep on adding exchanging support for extra crypto resources that the organization feels surpass certain ingenuity essentials. Our trade additionally takes into consideration account stacking by digital money or fiat installments. In view of the establishing groups ability, we have picked accomplices to enable us to convey both the trade stage, liquidity on our trade and an expansiveness of financing choices.

Our vision is to manufacture the cutting edge computerized resource trade for merchants of each aptitude level with the point of making advanced money exchanging available to everybody. We are committed to upgrading our clients' exchanging encounters with fast exchange execution, reasonable evaluating, world-class client benefit, perpetual change and boundless imagination.

Useful Link:

ANN Thread:

Author's Detail:

Bitcointalk Profile:    checkmatesir
Eth Address:  0xB148eeF6fc7c82Ff27a2a945acca38aEFD930820
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Emmares Ico Review-Email Marketers And Publishers - Latest ICO Alert



EMMARES is making a worldwide advanced notoriety of email content suppliers and their substance. In light of confided in assessments and Quality score, beneficiaries can locate the best substance in light of their interests. Envision a universe of email without spam, with just superb focused on content.

Focal point:

Emmares is associating top-notch email content with intrigued beneficiaries. Empowering better quality substance, bring down recurrence, and reasonable substance assessment, Emmares brings new esteem, an extended group of onlookers for email advertisers and less spam with just wanted substance for beneficiaries. Emmares - Email Marketing Rewarding System is an assessment framework that exceptionally benefits email advertisers (senders) and also email beneficiaries (fundamentally everybody who utilizes email).
EMMARES is associating brilliant email content with intrigued beneficiaries. Empowering better quality substance, bring down recurrence, and reasonable substance assessment, EMMARES brings new esteem, an extended group of onlookers for email advertisers and less spam with just wanted substance for beneficiaries.
We imagine a world in which email advertising content is of an essentially higher gauge. With our administrations, email advertisers will be urged to reliably deliver better substance after some time. Confided in assessments will help every one of us to limit spam. EMMARES will begin another brilliant period of email promoting. We need email advertising to speak to trust and quality in individuals' psyches.

Points of interest:

Email Marketers – Publishers:

Our one of a kind, straightforward model depends on urging distributors to send great, fascinating and significant substance. As a Publisher, you are gathering audits from your leads and from you’re focused on a crowd as an end-result of tokens from your remunerating pool. Subsequently, you seem to be:
1. Building your notoriety for being a quality Email advertiser,
2. Gaining admittance to new, precisely focused on beneficiaries who are occupied with your sort of administration/subject/item,
3. Improving beneficiary’s commitment.

Token Buyers:

By obtaining EMMARES tokens, you are anchoring critical benefits as a (presale) token holder and in addition, supporting another, growing to undertake with enormous potential.

You get the chance to be a piece of a framework, which speaks to the eventual fate of the Email showcasing the world where everybody gets just the substance they are occupied with an Email advertisers get higher ROI.

Mailing Recipients – Evaluators:

We imagine a world in which email advertising content is of an essentially higher gauge. With our administrations, email advertisers will be urged to reliably deliver better substance after some time. Confided in assessments will help every one of us to limit spam. EMMARES will begin another brilliant period of email promoting. We need email advertising to speak to trust and quality in individuals' psyches.

As a member of the EMMARES people group, you receive tokens as a byproduct of assessing the Email content you get. It is that straightforward. You likewise get the likelihood to buy in just to the substance you are occupied with, from the most astounding scored Email advertisers. You can utilize the tokens you gather in two different ways. You can:

1. Trade tokens with advertisers or
2. Utilize them for your own particular remunerating pool (on the off chance that you are a Publisher and in addition Evaluator).

Useful Link:


Author's Detail:

Bitcointalk Profile:   checkmatesir
Eth Address:  0xB148eeF6fc7c82Ff27a2a945acca38aEFD930820
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Heroic Ico Review-ARC Reactor - ICO Alert


As digital dangers are developing at an exponential rate, current cybersecurity arrangements are responsive, obsolete, and ineffectual. Ongoing advances in AI-based risk assurance are promising, however are solely sent to vast corporate applications, setting the innovation far from the general population who are most powerless against assaults. is adopting another strategy to AI-Powered danger assurance. Using huge information,
man-made reasoning and the blockchain, self control the up and coming age of cybersecurity and make AI-based danger assurance all around accessible. As clients are keenly ensured against digital dangers, they are likewise adjusted for consistently contributing anonymized risk information back to the system influencing everybody more to anchor. The Ecosystem and the Heroic Token will turn into another standard utilized all through the whole cybersecurity industry to all around guarantee security, protection and trust.

About is controlling the fate of cybersecurity with man-made brainpower and the blockchain to ensure against present and cutting edge digital dangers.

As digital dangers are developing at an exponential rate, present day cybersecurity arrangements are responsive, obsolete, and ineffectual. Most by far of risk information is controlled by extensive partnerships and governments, making it troublesome and expensive to work cutting edge arrangements that enhance insurance.
 Late advances in man-made consciousness based danger assurance are promising, yet the arrangements are solely conveyed to extensive corporate applications, which puts the innovation far from the general population who are most powerless against assaults.

ARC Reactor:

Chivalrous Arc Reactor™ is an open, decentralized cybersecurity risk insight trade controlled by the blockchain. Bend Reactor's motivation is to give an open archive of digital risk insight, basic automatic access to the information, and a productive commercial center for the information.

Information suppliers incorporate however are not constrained to singular risk mineworkers, open-source danger knowledge suppliers, associations
all things considered, and information accomplices. Gathered information goes through an extraction procedure to pull significant traits that are then standardized and spared in a disseminated database. The gathered information alongside its ascribes are then prepared to be utilized to prepare machine learning calculations which will at last permit scoring and arrangement of tests. is adopting another strategy to AI-controlled risk security. Using enormous information, man-made reasoning, and the blockchain, joined with a decentralized shared danger security stage, will change cybersecurity as we probably am aware it and make cutting edge arrangements all around accessible. will enable and boost designers and organizations to make the up and coming age of cybersecurity through the Ecosystem, which incorporates an open danger insight trade called HEROIC Arc Reactor, a bound together security administration stage called HEROIC Guardian, and a Research and Development condition. The inspiration for joint effort inside this Ecosystem will be boosted through the blockchain and the utilization of's digital money, the HRO (articulated saint).

We trust the blend of digital risk information incorporated with man-made reasoning and the blockchain is the eventual fate of AI-controlled cybersecurity and envision a huge number of potential applications for which the information gave can be used. An open, blockchain-controlled cybersecurity biological system will open the enormous open door for cutting edge risk insurance while killing the erosion and expenses from outsider delegates, and accommodating a more secure world.

Primary focuses: is fueling the fate of cybersecurity with computerized reasoning and the blockchain to secure against present and cutting edge digital dangers. is adopting another strategy to AI-controlled risk assurance. Using huge information, man-made consciousness and the blockchain, joined with a decentralized distributed danger assurance stage, will change cybersecurity as we probably am aware it and make nextgeneration arrangements unreservedly accessible to everybody. will enable and boost engineers and organizations to make the up and coming age of cybersecurity through the Ecosystem, which incorporates an open risk knowledge trade called HEROIC Arc Reactor™, a brought together security administration stage called HEROIC Guardian™, and a Research and Development condition. The inspiration for joint effort inside this Ecosystem will be boosted through the blockchain and the utilization of's digital money, the HRO (articulated legend).

Useful Link:


Author's Detail:

Bitcointalk Profile:  checkmatesir
Eth Address:  0xB148eeF6fc7c82Ff27a2a945acca38aEFD930820

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